Hello..... Keep Cup....

Saving the planet two paper coffee cups at a time.....

Yes this is my newish Keep Cup a reusable coffee cup that I take to our local coffee shop twice a day.

Yes it is made from plastic but apparently after 17 uses it breaks even on the energy requirements used in manufacture..... including washing the cup.... it is also very pleasant to use!

Anyways another bad nights sleep last night.... not as bad as before but still not much fun! Now I just seem to be worrying more about not sleeping that it's keeping me awake..... it's a vicious cycle!!

At least it's a long weekend (unpaid) this weekend, we are having friends and their new baby staying, I've got the footy to look forward to tomorrow, we are heading up the mountains to stay a night at a friends parents house for a night & we are going to our favourite Mexican restaurant tonight!!! So hopefully all that will make me feel like sleeping!!

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