
By meles

The back border

Went up to the allotment this morning and did quite a bit of work but not much to show in the way of photos.

I thought for a moment that there was a patch of leeks in the end that I'd forgotten planting but it was the garlic that had shot up amazingly in the last month. Not very exciting to blip, though.

The ants have been busy building a entire new civilisation in one of the compost bins (think they've probably invented printing and possibly the internet by now), but black ants running in and out of holes in dark brown compost in a black compost bin were beyond my photographic abilities.

So in the end I just went and snapped a section of the back border, displaying two of DaveH's euphorbia collection, some cranesbill "Mourning Widow" that Lynn gave us just behind them and a sage plant. This is the area that is occasionally trampled by small boys who climb over the wall. I've set a very thorny rambling rose against the wall in the hope of deterring them, but it's taking a while to get going.

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