The Thing in the cupboard

Today we had an unnaturally early start due to doing the first observation walk across "our" square for the breeding bird survey. Lots of feral pigeons and lesser-black-backed gulls as usual, but a lot more blackbirds than last year. And a bullfinch!

Much later in the day DH started thinking about collecting various bits and pieces for our wee trip up north. We had considered camping but succumbed to a couple of very cheap late deals in hotels - still, a chap has to fossick a bit amongst the outdoor gear, it's part of the enjoyment. So he set off along to the communal landing in our block where we have our own Really Useful Cupboard - a sizeable walk-in affair (or you could walk in if it weren't for all the Stuff in it).

Erm, we don't go in there very often. When D opened the door he was startled to find a huge alien beast with numerous long pink tentacles......then realised that this was end of last year's potato crop, which we thought we'd finished. The potatoes evidently didn't think they were finished at all.

The little cat had come out of a neighbour's flat to see what was going on and was fascinated by The Thing - she had a go at taking it on and biting the tentacles.

The alternative title for this blip was "The potatoes are chitting nicely, dear".

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