
The four of us went on the long walk around the block with the double buggy again today, as it was so sunny and warm. These daffodils are at the top of the road at the start of the walk, with a view of the route ahead in the distance.

It's a good job I had the exercise really, since I attacked the buffet at my friend Emma's 40th birthday party tonight with gusto. Brilliant evening and Emma looked radiant. Hitting the dancefloor also helped shift some of the buffet, I should think!!! I was up there with Gloria, who is covering for me at work whilst on Maternity leave. It was odd for Emma's children to see us up there, as we have taught half of them - she has 10 children altogether - all of them amazing kids too: very polite, warm and friendly. Yes, Emma really is Super Mum! They and many of their friends were there. Funny to see the reactions when their teachers get up and dance. I think it is hard for them to understand that we have a life outside of school. ;)

re. Yesterday's journal: Grace is trying really hard with her potty training. We're really proud of her.

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