
Grace has always been a bit of a gymnast, ever since she was a tiny baby. It has led to a few heart-in-the-mouth moments over the past two and a half years! Those moments just get more nerve-wracking as she grows up and gets more adventurous. It is hard not to run around after her, as I obviously don't want her to get hurt, but I also don't want to be a cotton wool Mum. So it's a case of just grin and bear it, and let her explore her physical boundaries...all part of letting go, I guess!

She had a great day today as her best friend Gabrielle came over for a playdate this afternoon. They are so sweet together. It's lovely to hear them interacting and having proper conversations.

AND, to top it all off today, Grace said after lunch that she needed the toilet and did her first proper wee on the potty soon after, woohoo! She still had a couple of accidents today, but it is a huge leap forward.

Backblipped yesterday

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