Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

Big red fire truck

Well day 1 of the airport show here in Dubai.

We have a small stand....but there are some impressive stands. I think this Fire Truck manufacturere had one of the biggest stands! A real boy's toy.

There are also some stands here just for tghe "look at me, and how much marketing budget I have". Stands from Dubai Airports and Abu Dahbi airports slugging it out to be the most impressive.

And they're not even selling anythng!

I did an interview on the local Dubai business news channel on airport security. You have to be very careful to make sure you don't say anything too contravertial. I'll post a link if I see it aired.

Went to the UK Trade and Industry reception. There were no Ferrero Roche!!! Sone very boring speeches and canapes. Lots of people saying you had to spend time out here making relationships...(ie...please keep me on the gravy train for longer! and don't measure me on performance...give me a few years to prove I'm ineffective....).

Split from that and header up to the yacht club for dinner on the boardwalk....nice....

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