
By cracker


Work today, did a standby to another station, no calls. Got home in time for tea with Kaz with Spence, then played with Spence for half an hour before his bedtime! We gave each other 'horsey rides' on each other's backs with both of us giggling our heads off! I love coming home to our lovely house and the two people I love the most in the world! It's great getting home in time to play with Spence, I try not to rev him up too much because it's nearly his bedtime, but it's hard!!

Watching a bit of MasterChef now then hopefully an early night!

Today's blip is of Spencer's eye from a big canvas photo we have hanging on the wall. It cost us a lot of money and we now wish we had have used our own photo and manipulated it ourselves to look really good! I have increased the shadows and upped the saturation in Picasa. I like the way the blue of his eye sort of looks like lightning!

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