This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Yesterday was madness.
one of my deadlines took me by complete surprise.
I made it, but it was a little tense.
Studio day today.
Perhaps more later.

The more later part:

I couldn't write this morning, but I felt like I might be able to after walking the dog. The cool tinge to the air made things seem more possible. I played a good mix of music on the walk, and I danced and sang down the street. This is no crazier than talking aloud on a cell phone via a wireless mic I think to myself. I am having a hard time leaving the house this morning. I try to figure out why... I did stay up late last night working on the business side of things for the underground studios. I am pleased with what I accomplished but apparently it left me weary. The lethargy is mostly from the drama of almost missing and then making a very important deadline.

Once I drag myself to the studio, I chat with several studio mates. There is talk of DaVinci's Mona Lisa being a man, Georges La Tour, and how some of us avoid looking at too much art and periodicals such as Art News, Art Forum, and Art in America. It makes us sad, so why do it, we reason. Talk of an upcoming policy meeting this week. I leave them and head to my studio and am relieved when I find Falling into Sound lying on it's back. I had been having nightmares of the hook like drips running down the face of the painting, never to be seen again. I feared I had left it upright in it's wet state when I took a photograph last Thursday. I hear myself say aloud "there you are, so happy to see you."

Of course I talk to my paintings.

I put on my headphones and head to the studio kitchen and decide to clean it. I am feeling scattered, what am I avoiding? Oh yes, my least favorite task- painting the sides of the canvases black, on my recent paintings. After the kitchen is scrubbed I take a studio mate out to lunch. We sit in the window eating falafel salads and drink water, we make small talk. We return to the studio, now it really is time to focus and paint. I play loud music in the open air of my studio, this time-no headphones. The job gets completed more easily than imagined. I have a meeting attend at 4pm. I am not sure what it is about, but I will endure...

Before the meeting- I recount my day in the third person in my journal, (why does it make it easier?) knowing that I will put it into first person before I post it on blip.

A beer is sounding good right about now, and the meeting starts...

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