A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Spring everywhere

Wonderful start to the day. Not sure I have ever been a believer in Fung Shui (haven't checked spelling) but having spent yesterday morning rearranging our bedroom Carl and I both woke up refreshed after the best night's sleep either of us can remember. Partly our view has changed. For some inexplicable reason we have chosen to stare at our wardrobes for the last three years. Turns out facing the window is considerably nicer. Who'd have thought it. So it might be that. Or, if I am to become a believer, it might be that there is nothing under our bed. This does mean that there is an ENORMOUS pile of stuff to be sorted and some of it, if it can put forward a very good case, may be allowed back under the bed. I suspect most of it is destined for the bin or the charity shop. Though I did have one great find - a gorgeous skirt that I wore once to a wedding in 2001 and looks set to be making a second wedding appearance at my brother's wedding in June. Almost feels like a morning's work given the money that will save.

The bright start meant I was up and about early and decided to start the day with a cuppa with a friend who lives locally and who's husband is out of the country for a couple of weeks. Given the glorious weather we sat in her garden which is where this picture was taken.

Productive day is continuing. Some dull but necessary admin has been processed and the next task on my list is creating a "fun session" for an all-day meeting in a couple of weeks. My fellow director kindly gave me a book on improv exercises after the play so I'm going to turn to that. I may have been given the dreadful post-lunch slot but I reckon I can turn that around with some lively out-of-their comfort zone stuff.

Then into town for a catch-up with an associate, home to throw the kids into bed and off to a PTA meeting. Have managed to miss a whole term of them due to them always clashing with Tuesday night rehearsals so am feeling obliged to go. Am not expecting it to be fun though, or interesting but we do have a Chair who we suspect ran a small country prior to having kids so it will be efficient and relatively short so not all bad.

Lesley x

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