mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Sleepy Boy :)

Hate letting my little sausage sleep in his car seat like this. I was too scared to wake him and put him in his bed as he was already an hour late for his nap! I don't often bring the car seat inside anymore as Aidan is a big boy. To be fair from the car in the driveway to the living room is no distance at all. Maybe 6 mummy footsteps or something?!

We walked to the baby clinic this morning which was lovely as it was quite warm outside with a nice breeze. I'm not sure why I go to the baby clinic as the two women there always p*** me off! The two women are a nursery nurse and a community nurse. Both, in my opinion, useless! Every time I have asked for any advice/help with Aidan they cannot provide any. At the doctor surgery both the doctors and HV always say to go to the clinic for any queries re your baby. Today I didn't even ask for any help! Aidan wears an amber necklace and has done for about 3/4 months now. He normally has it on when I arrive at the clinic and I take it off along with his clothes to get him weighed. Today the two women started asking lots of questions about it and then told me it was a choking hazard and I had to remove it. I tried to explain to them that I know that it is a possibility and that I am very careful with it etc but they were not interested. That put me in a really bad mood so I stomped all the way home! Lol!

This afternoon I had my post-natal pilates class and it was great! I feel so much better having done it. I took the easy option, the car! Cost me £3.70 to park but I don't think you can put a price on hassle free transport to the class. Especially after all the trouble I have been having with the bus!

I've not had a coffee since Sunday so after Pilates I nipped into Bean Scene and got a large latte and a tuna melt for lunch. Yum! Kind of defeats the purpose of the exercise but hey who cares! Lol!

Also Aidan is 18lbs 15oz! One of the women from Pilates commented on how huge Aidan is. Her wee boy is about 6 weeks younger than Aidan and was only 5lbs when he was born. I try not to be hurt by these comments as to me my little boy is beautiful and special no matter how big he is! Mummy loves you Aidan!

Sorry for the ramble! Must be the coffee!!

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