mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


I think Aidan is teething a bit at the moment. He has a very runny nose, not too keen to eat and is having a bit trouble sleeping. Poor wee sausage!

We had Baby Sensory today, our first class in a month due to Easter break and our holiday. It seemed to go by really quickly and Aidan was getting very excited! Lol! The woman that takes the class has moved us up to the next age group as she felt Aidan is getting a bit big for the young baby class. So our class will start at 10am next week instead of 11.30am! Probably for the best as Aidan likes to sleep from 12.30pm to 3.30pm in the afternoons.

After Sensory we met my friend S and her twin girls at Dobbies. S and I work in the same department and S is back to work next week. It makes going back to work seem a bit more real for me! I got my blip at Dobbies. There is a wee pond and there were lots of ducks and these cute wee ducklings. The wood they are sitting on had 'duckling ramp' painted on it! Lol!

I also posted my flexible working request to my boss...I'll just need to wait and see what he says. Fingers crossed!

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