Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

First tooth

It took a while to get this photo - I didn't realise how difficult it would be to capture Kerr's first tooth! It came through a few days ago, but is now just about visible on a photo, and he seems very pleased with it!

We've not done much today at all. I had an awful headache this morning so we had a lazy morning and skipped Kindermusik. However it's much better now so we've managed to cut the back grass and take Fudge to the park. The pile of laundry is almost up to the ceiling and there are no meals left in the freezer for Kerr - looks like this evening will be spent batch cooking and ironing - hope there is something decent on the telly!

Kerrsdaddy managed to cycle all the way into Glasgow this morning (14 miles) and is hoping to cycle home again tonight. Well done - I'm exhausted just at the thought of it!

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