
By schlimm

Observatory Observed

The observatory was going to feature in so many of my blips, I like to photograph this view at many different times and seasons but now that it looks like two oversized wedding marquees I'm not so sure anymore. I liked the cupola of the observatory proper and always wanted to go to one of their nighttime sky explorations (which I will now have to postpone for a long time I gather).

Today was a weird day, I went out for a drink with two friends last night and we got to talk about former boyfriends. So today I went on a trip down memory lane and started to look for some of them on the web. And suddenly there they were in photos, looking at a camera for whatever reason and it felt very, very strange. I'm glad to say that I much prefer living in the here and now!

Apologies for the quality of the blip, my camera was out of batteries when I took it so the zoom was going its own way and didn't really do what I wanted it to.

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