
By schlimm

Wrapped up...

or did Christo make an appearance on Princes Street without me noticing?

From the bus I missed a few blip opportunities, a multi-coloured umbrella in the branches of a rapidly greening tree, the new tram on its tracks and the newly laid lawn next to the well prepared brown earth right next to the Scott Memorial. Also not too sure about the colour scheme on the wee coffee pentagon hexagon next to the Scott Memorial. I will try and change bus on Princes Street next time in order to catch some of these blips.

Uneventful day at work, although quite exciting insofar as I will be able to contribute some of my language skills to a conference late May/beginning of June, it's about time that I use them again.

I didn't blip over the weekend so busy was I getting L from Ceilidh Party in morning to Superhero Party in afternoon and us to birthday party dinner at fabulous resturant in great company later in the evening on Saturday. However, in-between all that I managed to get A into the water again and she realised that she could float with the wings on and that it wasn't such a bad thing after all. I hope that this confidence lasts until she goes to the swimming lessons again next Friday.

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