...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Barbed Wire & Cotton

What a combination...a good title for a book, perhaps. Any writers out there want a subject?

Today would have been my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary (sorry Mom). I really don't think it matters how old you are when your parents divorce, it is hurtful, to all parties involved. My parents didn't divorce until I was 25, I was devastated. I was also very immature and going through my own marital problems with two little kids. During that period I was extremely depressed, now, I don't know if the depression was due to the events or I had a chemical imbalance, either way, it was a horrible time. I kinda felt like if my parents can't make it...maybe I can't make it either. But my hubby and I kept fighting to make it work. His parents divorce when we were two years into our marriage. But it seemed less painful, their marriage had been in BIG trouble for years, my mom-in-law finally had enough. And who could blame her. Life was messy in the early days of our life.
Of course, we are ALL on the other side of all of this. And it is AMAZING what a person can go through and survive. Let it be a note to you who are going through something that is horrific right now...it WON'T always be that way. Life changes, people change, it is the way it is suppose to be.

A side note of importance: I love my step-dad...my Tom, as I call him. It has been a very good thing for my mom and my dad too, I guess. But they are still my Mom & my Dad, and I saw them husband and wife for all my growing up, so I guess I thought it would always be that way. But, things change, people change, and it ends up being ok!!!

Barbed Wire & Cotton....take the good with the bad and go with the flow!!!!


Went to the bead store...let's just say, I have a couple projects to work on! ;]

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