Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Introducing Luca ...

Born today at 4.55am. Visiting time not till 2pm so after finishing off the tiling, we just couldn't get over to Shropshire quick enough to meet him. Felt all choked up when my sis put him in my arms and he snuggled into me and I felt so proud of her. Growing up with my sister, it has been hard to imagine her being a Mum, but when I saw her with him, she just was. I can't imagine what it must be like holding your own baby for the first time, but it was pretty amazing just being an auntie and holding Luca. I love him already!

Poor Andrea had a rough time of it - she is not giving me the gory details in case she puts me off! But looking at him, I am sure he was worth every second.

After visiting the hospital, we drove onto Snowdonia and hiked part way up Tryfan and 'bivvied' out so we could beat the bank holiday crowds to the top and get back in time for another visit to the hospital. Never bivvied out before, but I'll try anything once. To be fair we didn't pick the best spot and ended up on a bed of spikey heather on a slope, but I was warm enough in my super douper sleeping bag, a couple of glasses of red wine helped me get to sleep, and it stayed dry (even if I did convince myself at 3am there was a BIG black cat growling outside - in the cold light of day I realised it was more likely to be Mike's eternally empty stomach!) Our breakfast nearly got eaten by a mouse too, but luckily Mike woke up and rescued it. Was fun, but not the best nights sleep.

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