Lake Levels

Today we're off to Dunedin to present yet another workshop session, so I got up early (6.30) and wandered down to the lake to check out the flooding. All was OK and the lake hadn't spilled over yet. However TV1 news were there, filming beside the only puddle, talking up the flood. The media eh ...

Then back to the hotel, breakfast and off. Left at 9.30, got to Dunedin at 12.30 - a pretty good run. But, the landscapes are so fantastic and there were some great autumn colours as well, but were we're on a timeline, and I had 2 other people in the car. Hard to stop every 5 mins ...

Presented the workshop, went well. The back to the lovely hotel, out to dinner, back to the hotel - so luxurious. And bed ...

Apparently the lake did spill over late in the day, but only in a minor way fortunately. No damage from all accounts and business as usual in Queenstown.

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