This day

By snapper

3 amigoes

Had a day off as I had been ordered by the Snivel Servant in Swansea to go to Glasgow to have my wee car VIN checked, remember?

Drove all the way there, found the place, more snivel servants with their neatly pressed white shirts so sharp they would have given you a paper cut!
don't park her, park there, notices everwhere! Finally

I parked (where it said no parking) went to a door which said dont use this door, go to reception! Reception? well pardon me but this place did not look like any hotel I know! Anyways, after some searching I found the reception away across the place, was greeted by yet another ss person "yes mam" "I have come to have my car tested" "name" McCludgie says I, "over there " says the waffen person pointing in the direction of the door I was forbidden to enter.
I skulk back over and a chappie with yet another very pressed shirt comes out and says" take you car in here mam and go and sit in the waiting room round the corner" which was the other side of the fobidden door. I sat down and picked up the newspaper that was on the table and the date was 11 March! had I gone back in time?
10 minutes later sharp shirt comes back "can I just ask you one question mam?" I brace "yes" "you live in Argyll?" "yes" "then why in the name of creation did you no go to Lochgilphead?" "WHAT" I squacked? I did mention to the idiot in Swansea that I did think there was a vosa station in Lochgilphead (2 miles away from me) Swansea lady said "NO you need to come to Glasgow" wee Glasgo pressed shirt asked why I didnt phone them and they would have told me. By this time I was losing the will to live and said I couldnt phone because the bloody numbers were no longer available! He looks at me, my heart stops beating then he says "what the heck hen your wee cars passed away hame" I love wee Glasgow blokes. I now want to kill the Swansea twit that demanded I do a 150 mile round trip when I could have gone 2 miles down the road!!!!! Now all I need to do is get it MOT'd and phone Swanshit and ask them to send me the log book in my name. Now that will be another story!

This is a back blip as I was too exhausted after my exchange

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