This day

By snapper

Rusty & Crusty

Rusty & Crusty..... a bit like myself!

Finally did the figs I have been putting off doing (deadline Friday) and it only took 20mins! why do I procrastinate so?

A dull day weather-wise only lightened by the political gaffe commited by poor Gordon Brown. I am not a supporter of these high profile parties but I do feel that this entire election has been turned into a media circus fired on by the press who want nothing better than a hung parly as it has way more mileage for them as hacks. Incidently the journalist who sparked the whole thing off is one of Rupert Murdoch,s henchmen, nuff said!

Anyhows they are all a shower of pocket liners.

Back to reality.... think my big lady bunny is either broody or out of sorts. OR, she has fallen out with little boy bunny who no longer has the kit to do the necessary in bunny procreation terms! maybe she is just in the huff as she only ventured out when I took weasly boy bunny back in for the night. do bunnies fall out?

No 1 son and his father went to the boatyard to look at their toy, I thought they would be away all day boy bonding... three quarters of an hour later they were back, my heart sank (probably like their boat!) According to them the boys in the yard will have it fixed and up and running by the end of May, yay and the moon's a balloon!

Gave my dad's car a good clean and power wash as it goes to Glasgow for its Vosa test to satisfy these eejits at the DV~LA, it better pass! or I will be not a happy bunny either for that matter.

Will keep you posted
And NO! the above is not my car

Oidche mhath all blipblips

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