All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethans afternoon nap

I was keen to go out visiting family today but hubbie wanted us to have a quiet day at home, and he "won"!

It was my turn to put Ethan in the Baby Bjorn today when he got a bit grumpy. I actually had him in it 3 different times today and each time, within 10 minutes, he had nodded off! Of course, when we took him out and put him in his pram, he woke up within a few minutes!

We've continued our clearout today - we're getting there slowly but have so much junk that at this rate it will be the end of the year till it's done! Of course, now the computer room has been half emptied I can see how badly it needs re-painted so that's another thing on my to do list ... like I have the time for painting these days!

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