Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Best not to get the two mixed up...

My friend and I went for a day of adventuring this afternoon. We decided to pick a direction and drive in it til we came to somewhere to stop for lunch. Unfortunately we decided to just go west and ended up in some of the dodgier places Central Scotland had to offer. Lets just say dualing banjos was not completely off the mark... Obviously I had my satnav and GoogleMaps on my phone but we were determined not to use either and just find someone nice to camp up for the afternoon. He'd brought his bow which I was really keen to use but we didn't really get the chance. We spent most of the day just driving around aimlessly. We did see some real plonker drivers though - the day was not all lost. :)

About halfway though we came across some sort of park. I'd only found it because I was looking for somewhere to turn the car and come back!! It was a pond area with canoes and picnic areas and this. No idea what it was. It looks like some sort of mining apparatus but was right in the middle of a huge field. It was in the middle of Fife so if anyone knows what it is (or where we were!!) I'd appreciate knowing. ;)

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