Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

How big is a bucket?

Today was a bit boring really. :( Poor Acronymphomania has been suffering a serious bought of food poisoning so, understandably, didn't really feel up to doing anything and just wanted to sleep (and vomit) his bank holiday away.

So that really resulted in me sitting in my house all day playing computer games. Not that this is a bad thing you understand. It's how I'd spend a pretty good day - but now it's half ten and I feel as though the day might have been a tad more productive if I'd been at work. ;)

One of the things I did notice when I went over to snuggle under the covers on the sofa with A was the sheer VOLUME of election signs up on the lampposts. Do people think that's really going to swing it for them? Oh look darling, there's a sign for Labour up there. Maybe we should vote for them? It's rather unlikely to be decided that way isn't it? More annoying than this are the areas where there is a sign on every single lamppost for miles?? Surely this is the biggest campaign budget waster of all time?? Ugh. Rant over for the day.

You'd have thought today's lie in would have cheered me slightly. ;)

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