Davids Photos

By davyatsea

Our Family - A Childs Eye View

Another day with the mother in law in tow. Didn't make it to the forest yesterday so the ladies were pleased. Instead, we headed down to a nice pub near Eastleigh for a Sunday Carvery. The rain did clear long enough for a couple of photos but as I had already blipped, these are now on flikr

So to today... Oliver is fascinated by my camera and how you can adjust the exposure and shutter speed - in his words, to make the photos lighter and darker. Armed with the tripod and my help in setting the timer, he composed this shot nicely. A bit of cropping etc with photoshop elements (still the trail version) and the final version is shown here.

Emma is off to the nearby Hedge End Marks and Spencers for some quality time (shopping more likely) and I've got some bits to do on my bike. Question is, do I persuade Oliver to abandon Lego Star Wars Wii to help me, or do I leave him where he is? Answers on a postcard please?

Ah well, back to work tomorrow. MIL is back up the road tonight, so Oliver should be in bed at a sociable hour and peace will reign once again - maybe??!!

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