Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Bank Holiday Monday

My day had a plan....give blood and visit the Christian Aid Book Sale.
The plan didn't work.
Went to give blood and my Iron level was too low so got a more accurate test...turned out all ok and was able to donate.
They couldn't find a vein and the needle was poked around inside at all angles, eventually they found one. Then 13mins into donation my blood stopped flowing and clotted. Donation of blood so far useless if they couldn;t get it started again......they couldn't. So my just short of a pint donation went in the bin. Most frustrating. I asked to feel my bag of blood...don't know why, just did. It was warm, kinda weird!
Then onto the Book Sale....doesn't start until next week!! Doh!

In the end had a really nice wander through town, didn't go into any shops, just wandered down streets, up lanes and had a great afternoon.

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