Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

On the lookout for Puffins

We went over to The Bullers of Buchan this afternoon to see the seabirds that nest on the cliffs there and, in particular, check if the Puffins were back. I took lots of shots of various birds (Shag, Kittiwake, Guilliemot, Razorbill) from the top of the cliffs looking down on their nests, but in going through them tonight I chose this one with Johanna on the lookout for Puffins as my blip as it's got lots of colour in it and sort of captures the essence of the trip.

P.S. The Puffins were indeed back, but the ones we saw were down in the sea and didn't come up to their burrows so no photos of them ( yet ;-) ).

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