
By Jillybean

I Will Never Let You Fall

Last Dual Meet of my High School career today (Vs Jericho, Mcarthur, and Mepham)...and it was certainly an interesting one at that. A five minute bus ride to Macarthur brought us to the meet an hour and a half early. It was sunny and gorgeous out yet quite windy. Thankfully the gust was at our backs for the long and triple jump pits. Wind working in our favor is always a good sign.

And then, before we even started jumping dark foreboding storm clouds appeared. Threatening our very existence of course. Then the clouds broke and it poured on us complete with thunder and lightning. A mad dash to the gym ensued. Then a half an hour of 'let's wait and see' if it passes. It did indeed several minutes later. The sun came back out and the meet was re-started.

Long jump was just atrocious. Leaving me very angry at my dismal performance. Walked over to the hurdles angry. That however forced me to do better. Beating the Macarthur girl by a nose and coming in first. With my best time of the season to boot (16.6). I've finally run fast this season. Thank the lord.

Triple jump wasn't as abysmal as Long but anyway. Unfortunately we lost the meet to Mcarthur... In all honesty I really think it's unfair that they were allowed to have pole vaulters compete when 2 of the other teams don't even have pole vaulters. So they scored all these points in an event we couldn't even compete in. It would have been a much closer meet if not for that. But who is complaining? (Me.)

So the irony of all ironies is this picture. That's the girl who I beat in the 100High hurdles by a nose. But that's also the girl who broke her school record in pole vaulting, scored a lot of points for her team, and sent me home in a very upset state from my last dual meet ever.

Either way I'm very proud of my team. A lot of people gave it their all today. It was a valiant end to the regular season<3

"You must never be satisfied with losing. You must get angry, terribly angry, about losing. But the mark of the good loser is that he takes his anger out on himself and not his victorious opponents or on his teammates."
-Richard M. Nixon

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