Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

La Fleur

If I had a political party, my flower of choice would be the unassuming daisy.

I started the dreaded task of working on my garden this evening. And as much as I hate to admit it, I really loved pulling weeds and getting my hands dirty. Bugs aren't quite as scary when you're wearing protective gear and your friend is heading towards them with a strimmer. Even though it's only had a quick tidy up it looks so much better than it did. I haven't done anything with it since last summer and when my granddad was here he never went into it, so it's lacking in any kind of personality. In an ideal world I'd deck it all but since I'm entirely skint, it will be getting some love and care in a cheap sense. :) Thank you to my friend who came over to help me before she went off to do a night shift! I predict she'll be sleeping by 2am. ;)

Oh and I voted. Was the only person in the whole building apart from the people manning the desk. Rather sad but I did my thing. :)

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