Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Sconey Goodness...

This was one of the first things I managed to keep down today. :S The lovely Acronymphomania brought me some scones from Dobbies because I was having trouble eating anything without immedietely feeling icky afterwards.

Unfortunately I got sent home this morning. As soon as I went in and they saw my face (which had probably had about 2 hours sleep) they told me to go home. It was a mixture of 'we don't want what you have' with 'you look like a corpse'. I felt really awful though - I've only been in the job a month and normally NEVER get sick. I don't want them thinking I'm off all the time. Oh well...we shall see.

So today was spent watching TV. The Food Network Challenge is my new addiction and I urge any of you who have Sky to watch it. It's all about expert cake makers competing to make a cake based around a certain theme. And it's a bit too watchable for my liking. Oh well, it cheered me up today. :)

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