
By Jillybean

The End Of An Era

Thursday marked the competition of our AP Photo Exam. The test consisted of 24 digitally submitted images. 12 of them must depict your knowledge of the basics and elements and photography and 12 must pertain to a concentration of your choosing. 5 pieces must be submitted by mail.

My Photo class and I have been working on this since September. Shooting, developing, uploading, scanning, and recently stressing. But along the way we've certainly had more fun. There were thirteen of us originally in the class...this dwindled down to nine on a good day. We quickly became a tight knit group. Unlikely but extraordinary when I step back and think about it. We're all so different. There are athletes, horse-back riders, people who are a bit 'out there' (in many ways), Steve, lazy people, Marshalls slaves. We all have completely different lives but we've all bonded over this class

Whether it be our coloring projects before Christmas break. Or our bagel breakfasts. Making fun of Liz or watching her fight with Beary. Laughing at Steve because he's...Steve. Eating oranges funny and muffins with forks. Declaring Mondays a non-work day...and Fridays...and birthdays or holidays...or days before vacation! Or seating on the heater...which sometimes isn't heated... Listening to an array of music and cringing at the curses. Or getting Beary addicted to stumble upon. Taco Bell? Looking at blips. And most importantly reading our horoscopes each and every morning (and knowing everyone's astrological signs!). We've had some times I wouldn't trade for the world. This class has been an absolutely amazing experience. It's taught me more than any class this year. It's been more entertaining than any class. And I've made more friends in it than any other class.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about all the things I'm gunna miss about High School. 2nd Period AP Photo will definitely be making the top of that list. I'll miss the people, the creativity, the darkroom, Beary of course. Everything.

This morning to celebrate the culmination of nine months of (somewhat hard work) we cut school 1st and 2nd period and went to the Diner. In AP Photo style we all of course did not make it there...Especially Steve and his little fender bender... But the food was delicious, the company was good, and Beary and Liz seem to be friends again. A lovely celebration definitely.

So here is who is there from left to right.
Dave, Maura, Mrs Beary, Kristen, Steve, Fawn, Liz, Katie, And John Rocco (shrimp Taco?).

Was full the rest of the day from this it was so good. Had a track meet after school (Lynbrook's Green and Gold Invitational) in which I placed first in the Highs =) with a gooddd time!. Then went to Glenn's tonight and had a great time.

Sorry for writing a novel...but it was necessary.

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you."
-Winnie the Pooh

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