Simon's 20XX Journal

By simondownie

A different perspective

This morning I went out for a 20 mile cycle with my driver following me again. I like the protection, and the fact I don't need to bring all my puncture repair gear, but I don't ever feel like I can slack off! And it is pretty unfair on him...must be quite dull / stressful watching my ass struggle up hills. Was nice to stretch the legs though, and I hope to increase the intensity and distance over the coming weeks.

As a result, I decided to stay off work today and tomorrow. I am going in on Monday (a national holiday), so I think that this is enough for me. Doing washing and the likes, so not too exciting. I don't fancy going out, so what to blip?

Instead of my usual 'take a photo out the window', I thought I would try something different, looking through the viewfinder of my Lomo Lubitel 166, looking out of my window! You can see the opera house and also how green Almaty has become in the last few weeks.

For anyone who is interested, here is my Lomo: Lomoooo

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