
By reminisce

Cantonment ride...

After last Sunday, I was determined to join this week's cantonment ride without fail. This time I planned in advance and tried to do everything right. I had an early dinner and got to bed early. Had all my things ready in advance and reached the spot 5 mins before time.

Today I was fortunate to meet all the riders. The ride was the same beautiful we went last week, and this time I rode longer, including some dirt tracks. I thoroughly enjoyed today's rider and was thrilled to find I rose 40 kms from home and back. Today i was relaxed and not tired easily. I rode with breaks and didn't even use the extra bottle of water I carried. Though the weather was a little warmer than last week, it was not harsh between 6 - 8 AM when I rode.

After saying good byes, i rode back home happy and feeling charged. The others would have breakfast and catch up with a rider who had ridden all the way from Brisbane and now riding to Vijaywada, another city in Andhra Pradesh. I was amazed at how he was braving the heat in the city and other states in India. I am not really motivated to ride more and more. Thanks to all those who always encouraged me... many are on blip and I hope they will see this :)

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