
By flying

'Scentasia' Rose

Its a hectic day and I have looked to the garden again.
A soft cream rose with a yellow centre.  This particular rose was bred in New Zealand by Frank Bart Schuurman. It is called 'Scentasia' and is beautiful in rosebud form, which I will bring to you next Spring.  It has quite a strong perfume and is used in gardens for the blind. It is unique in the way the petals curl giving a triangular look to them.

I have found the names of my roses which I have been asked for.  
Going back to 4th and 5th of May, the rose which was the home to our tiny spider Sammy, was in fact 'Peace'.  A few of you thought it was.
Yesterdays beautiful white roses which many of you commented on are called Margaret Merril and are strongly perfumed.

We have been to the airport to collect Daughter A who is home for the night.  Its a surprise for her younger sister, Daughter E, who is participating in a school movement production tonight.  Its a competition against other schools and we are all going to support her school, it will be most enjoyable.

Have a great day everyone!

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