
By grounded

A new Prime Minister!

Well today started like the rest with more talks and rumours about who was siding with who. So I went to work and cleared the decks ready to start my leave tomorrow.

When I got home, we started off chilling out only to find Gordon Brown resigning and David Cameron being invited to form a new government by the Queen.

I am pleased to see Labour out of power and for all the things Gordon Brown screwed up in this country he left with grace and thanked the armed forces for their work and the sacrifice of those who have fallen.

Time to roll up your sleeves David, you have inherited a mess from 13 years in the wilderness with Labour, but with hard work and some compromise with the Lib Dems, we will be in for some hard times but with this new government I hope we get back on our feet economically.

Exciting times. I know some will not agree with my political standpoint, but the people have spoken, so let's get on with it.

PS the blip is the notice from the Queen appointing David Cameron as Prime Minister.

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