
By skaterg1rl

i like the sunday morning pottering about in our pjs. and then i get to about 12.30 and i've absolutely got to get outside.

unfortunately this co-incides with mr skaterg1rl coming back knackered from football.

so rather than spend his sunday afternoons kipping in front of the telly he gets dragged back out again

we all skated and he walked along holding carpetbiter1's finger for moral support and picking carpetbiter2 up from the ground. they have a completely different approach. cb1 is careful, cautious and quite stylish. cb2 is reckless, overambitious and quite speedy. i like to think of myself as having all the best bits and none of the worst

new adventures at work start tomorrow. am really quite excited. feels strange but very liberating to be going somewhere with a blank slate.

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