Lyn's Things

By Abzquine


Into Glasgow today, K had to go to a camera shop. Goodie toys!!!! Very very very bad idea as I could see lots of things to add to my wishlist. Got some lovely lemon meringues (with fab glittery tops) to eat. We decided to pop to the Falkirk wheel as I have never been. I was quite impressed although after hearing the noise of the creaking etc I was less enthusiastic about going on the boat trip. It was good though. The weather was against us but I love these Kelpies. I can't wait to see the real thing in place. Kelpies have always interested me and thats why I persauded my mum to call the pony she bought Kelpie.

Most of my photos from today were a little flat so I played with this a little to make it look more dramatic.

The train journey home seemed to last forever and I was knackered, but I still managed to not sleep until 2am :(

Great big thanks to K for trying to explain things to me, I am not a good pupil and I don't retain information well. Poor man!

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