Lamb feeding.

Jack and Erin have got to do so many new things this holiday and today was no exception. We visited a place called the big sheep (a farm that has had to progress with the times) which we all enjoyed. Whilst there they got the chance to bottle feed baby lambs. Erin wasn't keen but Jack loved it, I think they were just a bit too boistrous for Erin as she was more than happy to feed the sheep out of her hand later on. They day trip ended with sheep racing where they have 6 sheep with knitted jockeys strapped on them, they are released out their paddock and they then race down the lane to the other paddock in a bid to be first to reach the treats waiting for them. Very bizzare but fairly amusing, you have the chance to bet on them and cheer your sheep on.
Last disco night tonight and Jack and Erin had big hugs goodbye from Geoff. They really took to him and the others which was very sweet to watch. They were very social all week and I am so proud of how good they have been considering how different eveything has been.

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