
Today we took the children to Exmoor zoo (after kids club of course!). A really nice day where they got to stroke a llama, feed and stroke wallabys and meet this little lady "Simples". She was the runt of a litter of meerkats and was attacked by the dominant female who bite off the end of her tail. The mother rejected her and so she was hand reared. She now goes into the childrens area for exercise and play. She is very friendly and if you sit still she will come to you to play with your feet and have a stroke. She is soooo cute. They will be moving her on in 12 months as apprently once kicked out by the dominant female they would not let her return so she is joining another animal park.
Tonight at the kids disco as well as dancing they had a little kids talent slot. Erin decided she wanted to have a go and so had her stage debut. You can view her performance here

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