
By mar

Some day you will be old enough to start ...

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
~C. S. Lewis

Another long post - but we managed to pack A LOT in today.

First, Michael had to go to the library with his dad to help set up an exhibition on Bridgnorth history. After, he had a quick look around the town as Saturday is market day and I am so glad he did as he found The-Case-Notes-of-Sherlock-Holmes The Case Notes of Sherlock Holmes (by Carlton Books)!! I saw it about a year ago at a Border's in a city about 2 hours away and for some reason I talked myself into not getting it and have been kicking myself ever since. But I can now stop kicking myself as due to Michael's eagle-eye, he saw it on the book stall. Have to admit to actually losing my breathe when he gave me the bag... what a shock!

Then we all headed to Wolverhampton Art Gallery to hear a Pop Protest talk and to see the new Stories exhibition. The talk was an audio talk (for sight impaired people) but we saw so much more in the art after hearing the curator's descriptions of them (they didn't mind us going as they know us and realize it was a good way for Charlotte to learn about Larry Rivers, Boston Massacre piece). It was very unique and we will definitely go again. After, we went to the Stories exhibition - OMG - so gentle, and pretty and lovely and creative! We will be back to spend more time there (especially as there'll be a talk on it soon).

Then we headed to the Animation Day - this is where I lost Michael and Charlotte as they were in their element. Michael used to work on animation (actually how he met Charlotte's Godmother) and Charlotte, well she's just creative with plasticine. After creating their objects, they took it to the animation area where they both created an animation short. Very cute.

We finally left Wolverhampton, but not to go home (as I thought), but to go see Ted in his new home. It's very cute (too cute and I think it's too small but I managed to keep my mouth shut about it...). But because it's so small, he needed to downsize his puppet collection. No surprises then as to why we were really there and what we did. But the great news is that I got the one puppet I've been wanted for a while (not to perform, but just because it's so British!).

For more pictures click here.

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