
By mar

It is better to play than do nothing

It is better to play than do nothing

Bit of a relax day. Decided that I haven't been reading as much as I would like to so set a 50 page challenge for myself. Happy to report, I actually managed 77 pages of The Devil and Sherlock Holmes. I managed to read so much as we went up to NPA but not for Michael to work, but for Michael and Charlotte to go for a bike ride. Not sure if I mentioned but Michael and I got bikes for Christmas and we have yet to use them (I couldn't even tell you what color they were!). But Charlotte's been desperate for a bike ride and Michael (because he can never say no to Charlotte) decided it was the perfect day for it. It was great for me, tiring for them :-)

When we got back, we all worked on homework/work stuff before deciding it was a night to go out for dinner to catch up on conversations and to work out schedules for the week. After that,we went to the park. Nothing like ending the great day with a giggle.

Happy Birthday Sir Amro!
Happy First Anniversary #ElevensesTime
Jim Henson - 20 Years Ago

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