Chain gang

Lovely morning walk with Juno this morning. Blackford Quarry had it's first rave of the year the music booming out at 6.45 am. I decided to avoid the area as Juno would probably want to join in. We crossed the burn and headed up the field. Opposite a man my age was having a pee which he thought was secluded. Exchanged greeting and had a chat, he had been at the rave dancing and was now on his way to work, brilliant(hope he is police chief inspector).

Had a really good training session with the girls. We focused on some passing, shooting and finished with a shaping session. At the end the 4 primary 7 girls sat down and chatted, they are really coming together now.

This afternoon Scobes and Scobes Jnr and I had day out planned to the Elie chain walk . We strolled along the beach with an incoming high tide, this would add to the fun. We reached the start and the sign had 'Danger DO not use chain walk vandalised', so we turned back and headed back to play computer games in house.

Did we hell, we headed on the first chain was cut short with a rope replacing it, it was fine and my favourite part the traverse with the waves at our feet(picture taken here). Scobes jnr was having a ball and was bouncing along, some sections the chain had been removed totally, I had brought some climbing slings so we use these in the bolts. Scobes kicked a stone on Scobes jnr head which caused much family interaction. At the finish the prepared scout leader cooked up bacon rolls and tea. We were planning to reverse the route but the tide had cut of the route. We headed up the cliff to the coastal path and played in the ww2 lookouts and gun placements. A paddle on the beach and picked up Scobes jnr's prize boulder.

A brilliant day out thanks boys, great chat and banter.

On the way back had ice cream and popped into the allotment to water greenhouse and pick soem rhubarb for Scobes.

This only happened as we met through blip, my first internet based date.

Chain stolen.

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