
Up early and headed out for some shopping. Came back and I fancied a trip down the coast.

Headed off with Eco mum and Juno down to Coldingham for a stroll along the coastal path.

What a lovely day, not many people about when we arrived and a bit of heat in the air.

On our walk i found an apple tree on the shoreline must be about 30 years old but 4 foot high and 10 foot long. Must head back in autumn and see the crop.

Popped into a local 'open garden' and bought some pond plants to try and oxygenate it as the water is very green, have to research some info on web.

Back home and garden and house duties.

Eco daughter and her pals came in and baked some mighty fine cakes, we were the judges.

Tutored tonight some maths as exam this friday.

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