
By cracker

Heavy Dew

Had a lovely day today. Spencer and I went for a walk this morning before breakfast. I had gone outside because there was a heavy dew on the grass and I thought I would go looking my blip! I was taking photos of the flowers on the lawn and Spence came out with me then he decided he wanted to go for a walk. We went down the street, stopping to say good morning to a few neighbours who were out and about.

After breakfast I tidied up a few things that we hadn't unpacked from yesterday, then played with Spence for a while. He had his sleep from 1.30 to 4pm and in that time I was able to mow the lawns and chop up some kindling for the fire. Spence got up and helped me move the wood about then we played outside for a while more.

It was a lovely day! I am going to blip while Kaz plays with Spence before he goes to bed, then we are hoping to go through all of our photos of Thailand and try to pick some to make a Blurb book with!

This is one of the flowers in our driveway that I thought looked good with all the dew on it! Taken with the 'super macro' setting on my camera.

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