
By cracker

Evening Light

Went to my sister, Nik's, house this morning to pick Mum up to take her to a doctor's appointment at the Alfred. Drove back home after lunch and picked Spencer up from daycare on the way. He was excited to see Grandma and ran up to her and gave her a big hug!

We then went home and about 15 minutes later Kaz's Dad (Grandpa Stu) arrived! Spence was excited again, running outside to see him! We all went inside and Stu met Mum for the first time, then Spence wanted them to play cars with him! Mum played for a bit then had to go home.

We spent the rest of the day playing, Grandpa Stu had brought some presents from him and Grandma Sue, so Spence read the books with us. We all went out for tea at the pub and are now relaxing.

There was beautiful light this afternoon as the sun was setting. Our neighbours have some lovely trees in their front yard whose leaves have turned red and orange. I went out and took some photos in the light.

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