Remembering my late Dad.

Today marks the tenth aniversary of the passing away of my dear dad! It truly feelks like yesterday!! Can't believe it's ten years already! He was such a lovely, calm and collected person, só humble, wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose! I was the luckiest child on earth to have him as a father!

What is even more unbelievable, is the fact that this old Teddy was my first birthday prezzie from him and my mum, almost 62 years ago! I must admit, I think I stood the test of time a wee bit better than old Teddy!! ;-)

The new teddy-mommy with her baby in the picture was a prezzie from me to me about 7 years ago! Hiehiehie!!

I blipped this morning, for yesterday!! Was só busy last night, helped R jnr with some research for an assignment, finished after midnight! ;-)

Poor R jnr, really badly struck by the flu again! I am sure his sytem is vérrrrry poorly at the moment, we all had our H1N1/flu vaccinations on 7 April and this is his second serious bout of flue since! Eisch, I am just well now, and there he starts off again!! :-)

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