mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome


It's pretty hard to blow bubbles and try to take photos with your camera in the other hand. Aidan seems to quite like the bubbles. It's not the first time he has seen them though.

Aidan's not feeling too good. He seems to have a runny nose and a cough. Also due to, I think, too much coughing he's been sick 3 times this afternoon. Not his normal reflux but fully sick. Poor wee sausage. Hopefully the calpol given before bed will help him get a wee sleep and he'll be better tomorrow.

We had an at home day today. I got loads of washing and tidying done so I'm quite pleased with myself. Hoping to go to Pilates tomorrow but if Aidy is still feeling off I won't bother as it's not fair to take him out during nap time when he's ill.

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