mrs monochrome

By mrsmonochrome

Brushing his (non-existent) teeth

Little Aidan is feeling a bit better today. He has needed his dummy most of the day as this seems to help the coughing, much like a lozenge. Hopefully we can get him back off this as soon as he feels better.

We had a quiet morning in the house followed by Post-Natal Pilates for me at lunchtime. Aidan fell asleep during my Pilates class. He always does this near then end and is then rudely awoken by the noisy lift. It's the kind where you have to pull the metal concertina door across. This always makes a huge loud noise. Aidan then stayed awake the whole way home in the car. When we got home I put him in his bed in the hope we would fall asleep while I ate my lunch. He didn't. When I went up to his room I discovered that this was due to a dirty nappy. Once changed he managed to drop off for a bit.

Then I went to my first ever Zumba class. I'm really hoping the combination of Pilates (core muscle work) and Aerobics (jumping around) will help to get rid of my baby belly. It's not ideal that they are both on the same day though!!

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