
By mar

Animals are such agreeable friends ...

Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms
~George Eliot

Another mad Monday - teaching in the morning, rushing home to prepare for the Rainbows/Brownies before picking Charlotte up from school.

Tonight was Pets night at Rainbows. We decided to bring Snowflake with us, but to leave Rosie at home. Snowflake is the more laid-back of the two and we felt both rabbits would be a handful. As soon as we put Snowflake in the cat carrier, Rosie went mad - she did NOT like being separated one bit. Luckily Snowflake was ok-ish with it.

Although we had 4 dogs, a cat, a guinea pig and a cat come in, Snowflake was the hit of the night. Charlotte and I sort of forget how unique it is to live with a massive white rabbit with floppy ears and pink eyes - to us, it's completely normal. The Rainbows were even more impressed when Charlotte mentioned that they are indoor Rabbits (and the fact that she own TWO of these large animals was even more of a big deal). Luckily, Snowflake was very patient and didn't mind being held and passed around ... although she did basically RUN into the cat carrier - the same one she normally hates to be.

Afterwards, Charlotte stayed for Brownies and I went back to college to teach for a couple more hours. This time, smelling more of a rabbit than a sheep.

More pictures here.

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