Our Little Lady

By theLifeofFernie


mummy note again! as fernies in bed sleeping!!

I started blip after being lead to it by a close cyber friend our miracle I thought O this looks fun, I'll give that ago, without really thinking whether I was going to use it as a journal for my daughter as she grows from baby hood to toddler hood and beyond, or whether to use it to try and improve my skills!!
As it turned out, I bore people with my daughter on a daily basis, I'm quite glad I did now, as I look back to my first blip on the 16th january aged 16 weeks and 2 days, I see the changes in her that I haven't noticed by being here with her every day, they say time flies when they are here, and to treasure every moment, but little things are sometimes easy to forget, we can write things down in a book, but nothing beats a photograph, the picture which says a thousand words, words can't tell you expressions, nor do they show you cheekiness
So I've decided I don't care if my photos are blurred, whether the colors washed out, my memories are more important, I love my little girl so much, and whilst I can't wait to see her grow, I shall always look back at this journal with fondness and laughter

I've also met some lovely people via blip, thank you, you know who you are, and for those that do stop by and comment, thank you for taking those few short moments of your time

Which reminds me I really should do my quintuplets:



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