
By Jillybean

It's Calling

Oh, there ain't no rest for the wicked. Money don't grow on trees. I've got bills to pay I've got mouths to feed. And ain't nothing in this world for free. Oh no, I can't slow down, I can't hold back. Although I know you wish I could. Cause there ain't no rest for the wicked...until we close our eyes for good.

Lovely day at the institution school today. As usual...pointless. But as I'd really like to graduate I suppose its necessary to continue showing up...

Then track practice...6 days till counties...and then work.

So when I got home at 9ish I really wasn't feeling creative. I was hungry and tired (caused by the lack of a nap). So the fridge was obviously calling my name. And the light makes it look so delicious.

I can't lie to you...I stole this idea from Katie...who inevitably stole it from Ms Beary...=]

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!!!! Love, Your favorite grandchild.

"You may not know it yet, maybe you'll never even think about it, but I'm special. You're going to meet a lot of girls throughout your life, and a lot of them will be special to you. But I'm telling you right now, you'll never find another me."

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