Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Oriental Poppy Budding

Sometimes the days just aren't long enough! Ended up out in the garden looking for inspiration. Its been hot hot hot here today around 24 degrees. Positively balmy. Lets hope it keeps up till the weekend tho' I may have cursed that by buying some BBQ coals when I was out shopping tonight.

So back to the picture - an oriental poppy heavy with buds which in another week or two will burst into flower and make a gorgeous display of purple flowers (this may or may not be the variety papaver mnahattan) with a backfrop of these super large hairy, frondy leaves. The normal colour of the oriental poppy is a crimson red.

Again this is another super easy plant to grow and at the end of the season it can be split into separate plants giving you the promise of even more colour the following year.

I love this time of year in the garden :-)

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